Category Archives: Guy Stuff

My cars are not for racing (Memories Captured)

What to do with a well-functioning battery operated race car with radio remote control?

Some kids might play with it, they race it around the house. Awesome.

Well, ‘Timan’ did this too … for a short while.

But then his curiosity took over and he was more interested in using Daddy’s tools to skillfully disassemble it.

I guess his next birthday present will be his very own real tool set with many different screw drivers, a pair of pliers, a wrench and a small hammer.

And all broken mechanical objects in our house will be saved for disassembling by my little mechanic in training.

I’m just waiting until he starts with electronic things. Duh.

Please have mercy, I fear for Daddy’s phone, Mommy’s phone, TV, DVD, laptop, the car in front of the house the worst. 😉

If you want to see more ‘Memories Captured’, head over to Alison @ Mama Wants This or Galit @ These Little Waves for their meme

How did you fulfill your kids needs to satisfy their curiosity by taking apart mechanical things?

What are little boys made of? (Memories Captured)

Hardly a day passes and ‘Timan’ doesn’t find something highly interesting walking home from ‘creche’ (preschool).

Last week there were at least twenty baby centipedes he had the immense pleasure of squashing flat by repeatedly jumping on them (with shoes, of course).

Yesterday his sharp eyes spotted this next to the steps:

lyrics: traditional nursery rhyme

Never ever it is ‘sugar and spice’ or anything nice, but I don’t care, it keeps my tot busy for a while. 😉

For those of you, who are curious, here’s a close up:

No further comment.

If you want to see more ‘Memories Captured’, head over to Alison @ Mama Wants This or Galit @ These Little Waves for their meme

Is your little guy a ‘typical’ boy and your girl a little lady, or is it maybe the other way round?

Twosome is awesome, but …

And we had another awesome week in Paradise. The tot was in school, the Hubs was off work for a couple of days and what does the Mommy want more? Nothing, nada, nixinixnix. Ok, a little sunshine would have been nice too, but we managed without.

This week I realized several things, some rather important things.

1. My husband is actually able to morph back into the person he was before ‘Timan’, even before we were married. This week we did things we used to do prior to the arrival our bundle of endless energy, just the two of us.

2. We went for a cappuccino in the morning to our favorite coffee shop,


we went for lunch like a couple on a date, we talked and smiled and talked and laughed and enjoyed. But to top it all: we went SHOPPING, shopping for clothes and shopping for shoes, shopping for the Hubs to be exact!!! And it was even his own idea. 🙂

3. I was very surprised. Usually he’s getting goose bumps and runs for cover when I mention the S-word.

4. And yeah, the other thing we did too.

5. And then I cracked my toe. Outch. No, hold your horses, it happened later.

The Hubs and ‘Timan’ were happy doing dude things, like wrestling and such, while I was happily watching from the side.

But the guys wanted Mommy to join in the game. And since I’m doing everything for my men, I gave in. We had lots of fun, for a short while. I was running around and jumping like a deer and … kicked the corner, the tot’s indoor tricycle, the couch, I can’t remember what. Now my toe is almost double the size and blue. I spare you the photo. And I started wondering why do I always hit the 4th or the pinky toe and never the big ones? But never mind, at least I don’t have problems getting into shoes. Flip-flops have plenty of room.

6. My final lesson this week: twosome is awesome, but threesome is best (despite the toe).

And with this I wish everyone an awesome twosome, threesome, plenty-some weekend (or a lonesome one, if you prefer).

For more of those important lessons life is teaching you, head over to ‘Life Ever Since’:

Do you end up with casualties too when you’re roughhousing with your men? Or is it just me getting to old for this stuff. Sigh.

Chasing the Mommy (Memories Captured)

By now you probably know we are living on an island, far away in the middle of the ocean, with a tropical climate, with a lot of sun and a lot of rain and the most beautiful beaches. Of course we go for a swim as often as we can.

But my idea of ‘a great day on the beach’ is not exactly what my son has in mind. I would love to relax under a palm-tree, with a good book in one hand and a good drink in the other and just chill. And once in a while I would get up and dive into the turquoise-blue water for a refreshing swim.

But there is this lovely 3-year-old boy who has other plans.

This is what ‘Timan’ considers a perfect day on the beach:

I’m still alive, because I’m fast, he didn’t get me (yet). 😉

If you want to see more ‘Memories Captured’, head over to Alison @ Mama Wants This or Galit @ These Little Waves for their meme

Tell me about your outings with your little one, when you ended up doing nothing what you wanted to do, but doing everything your kid had in mind. Or is it just us?

Stay like this forever, will you?

Sometimes I wish I could put the time on hold, freeze the moment, keep my little man at the stage he is right now.

Always in motion, jumping, running, climbing, dancing, talking, exploring, asking endless questions.

And then again, after a while, I’m totally happy he’s still snuggling, hugging and kissing and most of all: calming down.

This is ‘Timan’s world:

And I’m trying to keep the memories alive as long as possible. 🙂

If you want to see more ‘Memories Captured’, head over to Alison @ Mama Wants This or Galit @ These Little Waves for their meme